Friday, October 3, 2008

How does Obama view the world around him?

Is Obama a racist??…. Please look at this video and listen to his own words and hear the racist tones and how deep his ties with Revered Wright go. This is shocking and if McCain or Palin had said ANYTHING close to this it would be headlines news.

This is his spoken words taken from his book; nothing made up, nothing taken out of context.


Anonymous said...

haha Obama's going to win the election, you are wasting your time

tvanderwerken said...
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tvanderwerken said...

Obama might lie, steal, and cheat his way to the Presidency through his association with Acorn and other radical voter fraud groups; but that isn’t winning. And in a few years he will be trying to define the word ‘fraud’ like Bill Clinton did with the word ‘sex’. Getting the truth out is not a waste of time and will allow me to point to you and other brainwashed Americans and say HA, HA..HA,HA.