Thursday, December 4, 2008

Who's Next????

This picture pretty much sums up my feelings on the whole bailout frenzy. I’m one to those guys that likes analogies; so here we go.

I believe the wall is the American taxpayers and the guys walking away from the wall are Wall Street CEO’s, big three automaker CEO’s, insurance companies, and so on and so on.

So who’s next?

Will it be transportation companies such as Union Pacific, CSX or some of the big trucking companies? I mean these companies move products from shore to shore; kinda hard for any company to get their widget to market if they can’t get it off the dock. What about telecommunication providers such as AT&T, Qwest, or Verizon; without these companies the Information Superhighway would be a gravel road.

Who will it be?

Are there any leaders in Congress (Republican or Democrat) who have the moxie to put a stop to this? It seems like a lot of members of Congress have one item on their agenda's......get re-elected!

Opinions? Thoughts?

My take on the big 3 bailout....

First time around they asked for $25BILLION.... now it's $32BILLION.

WHERE will it stop? WHEN will it stop? WHO's next??

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Where did we go wrong??

Well if you listen to the media and the political pundits the 2008 Presidential election was in part lost because the republican party has lost its way, that the GOP is incompetent or that conservatives are un-relatable to certain demographics and that we need to ‘re-tool’ and find a new face of the GOP.
And whereas I agree in part with those statements; because I do think we lost our way and tried to please everyone and we lost our message. But, I don’t think that it is solely the fault of the GOP; I believe this country has lost its way, has gotten off message and needs to ‘re-tool’.

America is the greatest country on Earth! How many times have you heard that? But what makes us great? Why are there thousands of people coming to this country every year; both legally and illegally at great risk to life and limb?

Because they want a better life, they want a place where they can work hard and get ahead, a place with protected freedoms, a place where there is a sense of community and togetherness; of family, where the sanctity of life is cheered and celebrated. It is on these points where I feel America has lost its way.
First and foremost we are a faith based nation; if you don’t believe me just read the Declaration of Independence and it is to that end where we have lost our way.

As a country we have slowly moved away from our faith being the anchor and center of our life as evident by some of the things we’ve allowed to be taken away; such as prayer in school, or 10 Commandment memorials being removed from federal courthouses; you know the place where you place your hand on the bible and swear to tell the truth! We have also built up a tolerance to things that we viewed as immoral and appalling a few decades ago, all of this has contributed to the break down of the American family; which in my opinion is the root of a lot of the issues facing our country today.

With the break down of the American family has come an increase in divorce, increase in crime rates and violent crime, increase in abortions, a change from a community that takes care of each other; to a ME based generation.

Now follow me on this, in the 50’s we had the age of the Cleavers, at the time a traditional family, crime rates were fairly low; we were a nation who took care of one another always; not just during times of tragedy. We used to leave our doors unlocked, we talked to strangers, and waved to them as we passed by. Then the 60’s came and things began to fall apart, drug use increased, liberal attitudes; such as pre-marital sex and rebellion became the norm, fueled in part by a very unpopular war and turmoil of the time.
The attitudes of the 60’s spilled over into the 70’s with Roe v. Wade, disposable marriages and again increased drug use and liberal attitudes took over in music, movies and TV. The 80’s saw this trend increase. Divorces increased as more and more families became dual income families, either out of necessity, out of a desire to ‘keep up with the Jones’s’, or dare I say out of the desire of some wives and mothers wanting to compete in the work force; instead of keeping to a traditional marriage. Whatever the reason the family began to pull apart and kids looked to influences outside of their family for guidance; such as gang’s, drugs, sports figures, etc. We started to become a nation of introverts, we didn’t venture outside the home as much, didn’t get to know our neighbors, locked our doors; all out of fear.
The 90’s saw this trend increase, in addition to the true beginning of the ME generation and the greed on Wall street and with the .com boom. The desire for the all mighty dollar took over and again, the family suffered and kids were left to fend for themselves. Government programs were further developed to give people a ‘hand out’ instead of a ‘hand up’; what did this teach the children of the time?

The children of the 70’s and 80’s who only knew a single parent home with no Christian upbringing began to have kids of their own. And what are they teaching their kids? Are they teaching them to keep God centered in their life? To protect the unborn? To keep to the tradition’s the country and our world was founded on? NO, no they didn’t.

And now the traditional definition of marriage is under attack; a marriage is meant to be between a man and a woman, period. Anything else leads all children astray and will continue to lead to the decline in the American family and destruction of the foundations of this country. And if the foundation crumbles…. So does the house.

So like I said I agree that the conservative party lost its message; the last 8 years has not been the best for our party, but like I have shown here America has really lost its way. What we need now is conservative leaders who have the moxy to stand up for true conservative values such as smaller government, sanctity of life, faith based decision making, fiscal conservatism, entrepreneurship, smaller government and a tax system that is fair and just.

That is the message we need to be selling; not being the end all to be all for every demographic and special interest group. And we need someone who can show ALL age groups how conservative values are a benefit to them; not a hindrance, how taking care of your neighbor and your kids is what we need to focus on first and then we can take care of places like Darfur and such. Mike Huckabee is the right person to do that.

So lets get America back on track; don’t retool the GOP to address all these liberal issues; I think we tried that….and it didn’t work.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

If this dont beat all......

Ok now I think I’ve seen it all. President-Elect Obama; who himself has many questionable relationships and associations in his past, now has a 7 page, 63 question questionnaire that all of his prospect candidates are required to fill out.
Now on the surface I can understand and somewhat agree with this; but again when you ‘peel back the onion’ you again get to see the ideology of this man.
He is asking questions such as…

My basic question is….why? Especially the questions listed above; you want to know about my emails, diaries, WEB sites and if I own a gun. The questions about electronic communications are out of line and something that the President-Elect hasn’t even provided and I believe the gun is a right under the second amendment and is not something he should be asking.

So why…why is he doing this and where will it stop?

Link to the questionnaire…

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Why are we in Iraq.... Watch this..

Proud to be an American!

Nuff said....

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Is this election over???

Hold the phone.. This thing isn’t over yet… what happened I thought Obama had this thing wrapped up? What happened? Oh… I know; the TRUTH happened, something that Obama is not familiar with. Case in point; one year ago, he made a promise. He pledged to accept public financing and to work with the Republican nominee to ensure that they both operated within those limits. But what happened?? He broke his promise and has now set a new record for campaign financing, He has risen well over $600 million since the start of his campaign, close to what George Bush and John Kerry raised combined in 2004.
So why should this bother you?? Well if he can break this promise simply because it was to Obama's financial advantage.

So if he can break his promise on something like this; what else can he or more to the point WILL he break his promise on. Could it be the hard deck number of where Obama will not raise taxes on? I mean it started at $250K, then last month it was $200K, and NOW yesterday Joe Biden said it was $150K, where will it end?

What about the Supreme Court? Wasn’t Obama that said that in 2001

"... The Supreme Court never entered into the issues of redistribution of wealth, and sort of more basic issues of political and economic justice in this society,"

Huh? Is that really the purpose of the Supreme Court… No, the purpose of the 9 justices on the Supreme Court is interrupt and rule on the written word of law; they are not and should NEVER be legislators.

Obama again..

"... I think one of the tragedies of the civil rights movement was that the civil rights movement became so court-focused, I think there was a tendency to lose track of the political and organizing activities on the ground that are able to bring about the coalitions of power through which you bring about redistributive change, and in some ways we still suffer from that,"

Now what is really scary here is that when he made these comments he was just a State Senator from Illinois and couldn’t affect the purpose of the courts. Well…now he might be President and could have the opportunity to appoint 2-3 Supreme Court justices and completely change the purpose of the court to the redistributive vehicle he wants.

That is wrong….

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Who is ready to be tested....

Joe Biden said.....

In mid-2007, Biden stressed his foreign policy expertise compared to Obama's, saying of the latter, "I think he can be ready, but right now I don't believe he is. The presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training"

October 2008

"Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy," said Biden to a roomful of donors. "The world is looking. We're about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America."
"Remember I said it standing here, if you don't remember anything else I said," Biden continued. "Watch, we're going to have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.
"I promise you it will occur. As a student of history and having served with seven presidents, I guarantee you it's going happen. I can give you at least four or five scenarios from where it might originate."

When did Obama get this mettle from? Where did he get a spine?

Lets look at who has shown some mettle. I would venture to say that defending your country is a TEST. And anyone that has raised their right hand and taken that oath would agree.

But let's look at the mettle of their record...


The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (BCRA, McCain–Feingold Act

In July 1995, Clinton established diplomatic relations. In making the decision, Clinton was advised by Republican Senator John McCain of Arizona, an ex-navy pilot who had spent five years as a prisoner of war in Hanoi during the Vietnam War. Brushing aside criticism of Clinton's decision by some Republicans, McCain asserted that it was time for America to normalize relations with Vietnam.

John McCain in May 25, 2005 - For years I have been concerned about the regulatory structure that governs Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac–known as Government-sponsored entities or GSEs–and the sheer magnitude of these companies and the role they play in the housing market. I join as a cosponsor of the Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2005, S. 190, to underscore my support for quick passage of GSE regulatory reform legislation


109 S. Democratic Republic of the Congo Relief, Security, and Democracy Promotion Act of 2005

109 S. To congratulate the Chicago White Sox on winning the 2005 World Series Championship.

109 S. Recognizing the historical significance of Juneteenth Independence Day and expressing the sense of the Senate that history should be regarded as a means for understanding the past and...

109 S Designating July 13, 2006, as `National Summer Learning Day'

110 S.Whereas Bishop Gilbert Earl Patterson was born in 1939 to Bishop W.A. and Mrs. Mary Patterson, Sr., in Humboldt, Tennessee.

110 S.Designating July 12, 2007, as `National Summer Learning Day'.

John McCain has sponsored 473 bills since Jan 21, 1993, of which 166 have made it out of committee and 30 were successfully enacted. That means 35% have made it out of committee; and 7% have been enacted.

Barack Obama has sponsored 121 bills since Jan 24, 2005, of which ONLY 6 have made it out of committee and 3 were successfully enacted. That mean 5% have made it out of committee; and 2% have been enacted.

Tell me if you were hiring a Chief Security Officer for your corporation and you had Obama’s and McCain’s resume side by side with the name, race and party affiliation removed…. Who would you hire?

That is the approach we need to take for this whole election

Sunday, October 19, 2008

This election is about character...plain and simple

As this election season draws to an end I would like to hear some of your thoughts on this question.

Is this election about the current issues; or is it about the character and integrity of the men nominated?

To me; this election, and all elections for that matter; is and should be about character and integrity of the candidate…alone. Issues come and go; but solid character should be forever.

If the President is of steadfast character and integrity; then no matter what the issue is you KNOW how they will respond.
(Mike Huckabee’s book Character is a great read; I highly suggest it.)

Character develops over time; a person's observable behavior is an indication of their character. This behavior can be strong or weak, good or bad. And integrity is demonstrated by people who do the right thing, no matter what the circumstances may be.

To be an effective leader, your followers must have trust in you and they need to be sold on your vision. One of the ways to build trust is to display a good sense of character composed of beliefs, values, skills, and traits:

Beliefs: are what we hold dear to us and are rooted deeply within us. They could be assumptions or convictions that you hold true regarding people, concepts, or things. They could be the beliefs about life, death, religion, what is good, what is bad, what is human nature, etc.

Values: are attitudes about the worth of people, concepts, or things. For example, you might value a good car, home, friendship, personal comfort, or relatives. Values are important as they influence a person's behavior to weigh the importance of alternatives. For example, you might value friends more than privacy, while others might be the opposite.

Skills: are the knowledge and abilities that a person gains throughout life. The ability to learn a new skill varies with each individual. Some skills come almost naturally, while others come only by complete devotion to study and practice.

Traits: are distinguishing qualities or characteristics of a person, while character is the sum total of these traits. There are hundreds of personality traits, far too many to be discussed here.

I do NOT believe that Obama has met these requirements. There are too many questions regarding his past and his belief system; and those that have influenced him. As steel sharpens steel, a radical will create a radical.

For a candidate that talks of transparency; he sure hasn’t been very transparent on his past. Had he been on the scene longer; or actually proved his character through his record; my opinion might be different. I think John Kennedy said it best:

Courage - not complacency - is our need today. Leadership not salesmanship. - John F. Kennedy

The dictionary defines integrity as: Adherence to a strict moral or ethical code. Adherence to strict moral and ethical reasoning is different than sticking by something you just believe in solidly or choose for you desires

Integrity is: Doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do.

Integrity is NOT: simply standing by your own ideals just to be rigid.

Please look at the link listed below and decide for yourself is any of these help bolster an adherence to a strict moral or ethical code; I think not.

Bottom line is if as Obama says there is nothing to hide in his past, then why doesn’t he come forward and disclose EVERYTHING!
Has anyone ever heard of Raila Odinga? That is his cousin, who Obama campaigned for in 2006 when Odinga ran for President Kenya. Odinga’s campaign was one of hate and violence.

Just as the riots killed thousands surrounding Odinga’s run for President last time around, thousands may die again when he ruthlessly attempts a takeover again if Obama gets in the White House. In one of many riot nightmares surrounding Odinga’s run for power and the riots that followed, one Christian church full of people were locked inside and the church was burned to the ground.

I find Obama lacking in character and integrity to be President; like I said in the beginning of this thread; issues come and go; but character last forever. >Of Obama, Odinga, Qadafi, al Bakri, Farrakhan, Wright, USAfrica, and al Qaeda Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis PUTS IT ALL TOGETHER >Barack Obama & Raila Odinga >obama-odinga cousins? >Obama & Pastor Wright’s Racist Church >Obama telling ACORN your with me >Hear Jerome Corsi’s inside story from Kenya >OMG Obots in Gaza >Obama Youth - Junior Fraternity Regiment >Larry Sinclair: Obama’s “Drug and Sex party limosine” >Michelle Obama Rags the API Stanley Kurtz Please read >Stanley Kurtz “Write 101″ 10/14/2008 >Farrakhan Says He Is Jesus and Elijah >Obama Mocks And Makes Fun Of The Bible >Rev Michael Pfleger at Trinity UCC, Hillary thinks “I’m white I’m entitled” >Barack Obama in Kenya >obamasm own words >Barack Obama shocks the world!!sex ed in kinder >Name one accomplishment by Obama >Radical Islamic Ties and The Rise of The Obama Nation >terrorists connections william ayers and other shadycharacter connections! >Barack Obama’s Terrorist Meeting Footage >The Silly Truth >Native Americans Against Obama- An Inside Job >Clinton administration’s “BANK AFFIRMATIVE ACTION >Dr.Jerome Corsi’s Arest in Kenya Rules for radicals

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Obama's Economic Perfect Storm

Well the debates are over, the pundits and talking heads have spoken; and the winner is…… Nobody. And why is that; because we have 19 days until the election and the only vote that counts is YOURS; not the polls, not the media, not your crazy buddy at work… yours and yours alone.
But one thing you have to remember is that this election as a whole; meaning Presidential and Congressional, will have an historic impact on our country. There is a distinct possibility that we could have the ‘perfect storm’ between the executive and legislative branches of government. The Democratic party could possibly had control of both houses of Congress and the While House; giving them unlimited power to change law and even constitutional amendments; with little to no resistance, and that is scary!

And why is this scary? Well let’s first take a look at Obama’s most recent statement of ‘spreading the wealth around is good for everyone’; how is punishing accomplishment and hard work good for everyone? First, Obama’s tax-rate increases on income will fall heavily on small businesses, which create the majority of net new jobs. Here’s why: According to Internal Revenue Service data, half of all business income is taxed at individual rather than corporate tax rates, and about two-thirds of all flow-through business income is earned by small-business owners with annual incomes exceeding $200,000. The bottom line: Up to one-third of all business income is taxed at the two marginal rates Obama wants to raise.Second, history demonstrates the economic folly of raising capital-gains taxes at any time, and the economic benefit of keeping them permanently low. By influencing the incentives for people to invest, the capital-gains tax directly impacts the demand for — and value of — equities. Similarly, it influences the rate of investment, particularly in new, high-risk ventures. But Obama wants to RAISE capital-gains taxes. But the bigger question is where will it stop? So today it’s $200,000; maybe tomorrow it is $100,000; or less.

And why would I say that; very simple, Obama has outlined numerous spending increases:

A $65 billion-a-year health plan
$15 billion in green energy spending
$85 billion in tax cuts and credits
A $25 billion-a-year increase in foreign aid
$18 billion a year in education spending
$3.5 billion for a national service plan

Put it all together, and we are talking about a $200 billon plan, $800 billion over four years. And that does not even include fixing the alternative minimum tax, a $50 billion-a-year item that will assuredly get passed.


Taking Obama’s statement of cutting taxes on 95% of Americans; there is no way that raising taxes on only 5% of the country will pay for an ADDITIONAL $200 billion in spending; the numbers do not add up. Even if he took ALL of the income of the Forbes 500 riches Americans he could only run the government for a few months; at Today’s spending levels; not counting an additional $200 billion in spending AND a reduction in tax revenues.

It is very simple… to get to a balance budget and have a surplus you can only do two things; increase revenue and reduce spending. In these economic times increasing revenue, i.e. taxes; is not advisable; however decreasing spending is advisable and warranted.

You owe it to yourself and your family to ‘peel the onion’ back on the rhetoric preached by these candidates and really get to know them and what they stand for.

Monday, October 13, 2008

The truth behind the housing meltdown...

I think everyone should read this article
Here are the highlights
September 11, 2003

New Agency Proposed to Oversee Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae


The Bush administration today recommended the most significant regulatory overhaul in the housing finance industry since the savings and loan crisis a decade ago.

Under the plan, disclosed at a Congressional hearing today, a new agency would be created within the Treasury Department to assume supervision of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-sponsored companies that are the two largest players in the mortgage lending industry.

The new agency would have the authority, which now rests with Congress, to set one of the two capital-reserve requirements for the companies. It would exercise authority over any new lines of business. And it would determine whether the two are adequately managing the risks of their ballooning portfolios.

The plan is an acknowledgment by the administration that oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- which together have issued more than $1.5 trillion in outstanding debt -- is broken. A report by outside investigators in July concluded that Freddie Mac manipulated its accounting to mislead investors, and critics have said Fannie Mae does not adequately hedge against rising interest rates.

~~ snip ~~

''These two entities -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- are not facing any kind of financial crisis,'' said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. ''The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing.''

So is this really the 'failed' polices of the Bush Administration?  Really?

Obama unveils new jobs ideas

My thoughts below; but here is what Obama has to say...

Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) on Monday released his Economic Rescue Plan for The Middle Class, described by the campaign as "a comprehensive four-part plan to deal with the immediate crisis that builds on proposals he has previously announced and includes several major new ideas."

Here is a summary of the major new ideas in the four areas of Obama’s plan:

1. JOB CREATION: A New American Jobs Tax Credit. Obama is calling for a temporary tax credit for firms that create new jobs in the United States over the next two years.

2. RELIEF TO FAMILIES: Penalty-Free Withdrawals from IRAs and 401(k)s in 2008 and 2009. Obama is calling for new legislation to allow families to withdraw 15% of their retirement savings – up to a maximum of $10,000 – without facing a tax-penalty this year (including retroactively) and next year.

3. RELIEF TO HOMEOWNERS: 90 day foreclosure moratorium for homeowners that are acting in good faith. Financial institutions that participate in the Treasury’s financial rescue plan should be required to adhere to a homeowners code of conduct, including a 90-day foreclosure moratorium for any homeowners living in their homes that are making good faith efforts pay their mortgages.

4. RESPONDING TO THE FINANCIAL CRISIS: A Lending Facility to Address the Credit Crisis for States and Localities. Obama is calling on the Federal Reserve and the Treasury to work to establish a facility to lend to state and municipal governments, similar to the steps the Fed recently took to provide liquidity to the commercial paper market.

The campaign said: "Obama’s plan also calls for temporarily eliminating taxes on unemployment insurance benefits; keeping all options on the table to help our automakers weather the financial crisis; having the Fed and Treasury prepare for guaranteeing a broader range of liabilities of the banking system; and instructing Treasury to help unfreeze markets for individual mortgages, student loans, car loans, loans for multi-family dwellings and credit card loans.

Great MORE Government, just what we need! What’s next? Where will it stop? Will the government bail out and own our infrastructure such as energy and transportation? What about our food suppliers? Isn’t this a step to communism? What is communism; see below:

Communism is a socioeconomic structure that promotes the establishment of an egalitarian, classless, stateless society based on common ownership of the means of production and property in general. Leninists have attempted to produce communist societies by setting up political parties, which in some cases have become governments. These attempts have never produced a communist society, and have frequently led to totalitarian states.
Communism is usually considered to be a branch of socialism, a broad group of social and political ideologies, which draws on the various political and intellectual movements with origins in the work of theorists.

And what is the definition of socialism: Socialists mainly share the belief that capitalism unfairly concentrates power and wealth into a small section of society who controls capital, and creates an unequal society. All socialists advocate the creation of an egalitarian society, in which wealth and power are distributed more evenly.

Or in words of NObama – ‘Spread the worth around’, wink, wink

Hi…I’m from the Government and I’m here to help….

Do NOT let this happen; stand up and fight this with everything you have!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Civil Rights Icon Compares McCain to Segregationist Gov. George Wallace, and Obama disagrees!

From FoxNews…

Georgia Rep. John Lewis, a civil rights-era icon , invoked segregationist Gov. George Wallace of Alabama in accusing John McCain and Sarah Palin of fanning the flames of hatred at Republican campaign events.

"What I am seeing reminds me of too much of another destructive period in American history," Lewis said in a statement released to FOX News. "Senator McCain and Governor Palin are sowing the seeds of hatred and division, and there is no need for this hostility in our political discourse."

"George Wallace never threw a bomb. He never fired a gun, but he created the climate and the conditions that encouraged vicious attacks against innocent Americans who were simply trying to exercise their constitutional rights," Lewis added. "Because of this atmosphere of hate, four little girls were killed on Sunday morning when a church was bombed in Birmingham, Alabama."

He then accused McCain and Palin of "playing with fire" in a way that "disregards the value of the political process and cheapens our entire democracy."

McCain immediately responded, calling on Obama to denounce Lewis' statement.
"Congressman John Lewis' comments represent a character attack against Governor Sarah Palin and me that is shocking and beyond the pale," McCain said in a written statement. "The notion that legitimate criticism of Senator Obama's record and positions could be compared to Governor George Wallace, his segregationist policies and the violence he provoked is unacceptable and has no place in this campaign."

What does Obama say...

Shortly after, Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton released a statement on the Lewis comments.
"Sen. Obama does not believe that John McCain or his policy criticism is in any way comparable to George Wallace or his segregationist policies," Burton said. "But John Lewis was right to condemn some of the hateful rhetoric that John McCain himself personally rebuked just last night, as well as the baseless and profoundly irresponsible charges from his own running mate that the Democratic nominee for president of the United States 'pals around with terrorists.' "

Is Obama turning on his own party for a favorable view in the court of public opinion? How does he really feel behind closed doors? Thoughts..

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Voter fraud... OMG can you believe that!

Well folks it’s true and all seems to be centered on the liberal group known as ACORN. Not only were their offices raided in Nevada; but now their documents in North Carolina and Indiana have been seized by federal agents. And the latest is a Federal judge has issued a TRO against the Ohio Secretary of State stating that she violated federal law by allegedly not taking adequate steps to validate the IDs of newly registered voters linked to the ACORN fraud scandal.

Check here:

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Who won the debate???

Who won? Neither won, but I can tell you who lost…us; the American people. We are looking for a leader who is honest and straight forward; we’re all grown up we can take the truth, there’s no need to burp us like a baby and send us on our way.

Don’t say you’re going to fix all these issue or concerns, when you know you can’t, you know there isn’t going to be enough money or resources to go around, stop pandering; please. Like the preamble says ‘promote the general welfare’ not provide, we are not a socialist society and we don’t need to government to take care of all of our needs. Health care is right?? What the heck is that all about; McCain was dead on with his answer that health care is a responsibility; thank you Senator. Now with all that said; I think McCain did better then Obama; but didn’t win because he truly didn’t point out Obama’s character and judgment.

We as voters have to look at the core of the candidate, we are not voting for just a chief economist, or foreign policy advisor, or a Commander in Chief; we are voting for a President who has to be able to handle ALL those jobs. If you understand the core values of the candidate and that matches with your core values; then that is the person you should vote for and have confidence they will make the right choice.

Weather everyone realizes it or not you have four choices in this election; you can vote FOR McCain or FOR Obama; but you also have the choice to vote AGAINST Obama or AGAINST McCain. While John McCain may not be the best choice (read Mike Huckabee here…); he sure is a much better choice the Obama; by far!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

What must America do right now for the future....

We as American’s owe it to ourselves and moreover to our children to take the time and learn about candidates. Learn not only what has shaped them as a person; but what has shaped their political views and policies. Learn their character and integrity; learn who they consider as insiders or advisers. A president will not make decisions by themselves, they will turn to their trusted advisers and consul with them, they will pray to God for guidance (I hope…).

America needs to ‘peel the onion’ back and get to the heart of a candidate, and elect the one who no matter WHAT the issue is will have character and integrity to make the best decision for America; not from themselves or a certain demographic, but America as a whole.
America this election has the potential to be the most important one in history, please do the right thing and LEARN.

Don't simply drink the Kool-Aid that is being feed to you by the mainstream media, look for yourself, do your own research. Watch Hannity's America on Fox; and watch it with an open mind. If you take each individual item as a stand alone issue things don't look so bad; but when look at everything as a whole; it shows the true character of Barrack Obama.

I am not willing to risk my children's future on someone that I don't trust; and neither should you.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Does Obama want felons to vote??

This is just another thing in a very long list showing Obama’s extreme leftist attitude; letting felons vote; please. Below are some snippets from an AP article; for the full story click on the link following.

Nationally, there are roughly 4 million released felons whose convictions have cost them the right to vote at least temporarily, if not permanently. To return to the ballot box, felons must negotiate suffrage laws that vary from state to state, in many cases working with election officials who can be both unfamiliar with the law and hostile to former convicts seeking to register.

The nonprofit groups and individual activists making the push on felons' behalf agree the effort is broader this year than in previous elections, even if they aren't necessarily making a coordinated push. They expect that effort to benefit Barack Obama more than John McCain, given that the population of former felons is disproportionately black.

Obama has co-sponsored a Senate measure that would allow all ex-felons to vote, but his campaign isn't directly targeting ex-felons for registration. His campaign does include relevant info on its Web site and educates volunteers so they can explain state laws to those who may not realize they have the right to vote, said spokesman Kevin Griffis.

Blacks represent "about 40 percent of the people who've gotten their rights lost and restored," Mitchell said. "With an African-American running, and such a critical mass, this could have a tremendous impact."

McCain has said states should decide whether felons have voting rights. But he personally believes ex-felons should forfeit certain rights when they commit a serious crime and that the right to vote should be restored only on a case-by-case basis -- much like Virginia's process.

This man is dangerous; America you have to stand up and fight this…

Friday, October 3, 2008

How does Obama view the world around him?

Is Obama a racist??…. Please look at this video and listen to his own words and hear the racist tones and how deep his ties with Revered Wright go. This is shocking and if McCain or Palin had said ANYTHING close to this it would be headlines news.

This is his spoken words taken from his book; nothing made up, nothing taken out of context.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Character to be President.....

Everyone is up in arms about the economic issues of the day; and to a certain extent they should be; but this too shall pass and Americans will overcome. The bigger issue of the day in my opinion is the character and integrity of the men running for president; specifically that of Barack Obama. He is being heralded as the greatest thing to hit politics since… well I don’t know when. But is he; is he really what the liberal left media is making him out to be. I just have some questions; how does a self proclaimed ‘poor kid’ from Hawaii, Indonesia, or Kenya or where ever he's from afford Harvard and Columbia? Is it as Kenneth Timmerman suggest in his article at NewsMax?
‘Khalid Al-Mansour, a Black Muslim and Black Nationalist who was a “mentor” to the founders of the Black Panther party, who was “raising money” for Obama Harvard studies during the years 1988 to 1991’

Very interesting read at:

Then there is his 20+ year association with Reverend Wright; what is that all about? If McCain or Palin were associated with a traitorous wind bag like that there would be nightly reports about his influence over them. But yet there is nothing about Obama’s consul and mentoring received from this man and it is my firm belief that if those videos had not surfaced Obama would still be seeking input from Rev. Wright? And what would have happened if those videos came out earlier in the primaries? The numbers don’t lie, prior to the videos Obama won 63% of the primaries, afterwards….. 37%, hmmmm.

Then there is Bill Ayers; a 60’s radical who bombed the Pentagon (oh yeah; three years before McCain was released from captivity), who is now tenured education professor at the University of Illinois-Chicago, he's a campaign issue for Barack Obama. In addition to his professorship, Ayers is The Woods Fund board chairman, and a young state senator, who like Ayers is living in Chicago's Hyde Park neighborhood, is a fellow board member--that person of course is Barack Obama.

Too much to put here; check out this read:

And now even more questions about his intimate and long-term association with the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (Acorn). One of the largest radical groups in America, with 175,000 dues-paying member families, and more than 850 chapters in 70 US cities; implicated in numerous reports of fraudulent voter registration, vote-rigging, voter intimidation, and vote-for-pay scams during the 2004 election. Maintains close ties to organized labor; and is a former legal client of Senator Obama's.

More information:

It does'nt matter what the issues are; if a candidate has the integrity and a value system that I share I will have faith in how he or she will attack that issue and resolve it.

Obama does NOT have the character to be president.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Why is Palin under attack??

So once again Sarah Palin is attack again; and why? Is she that big of a threat to the far left liberals? What is it? She has executive experience; unlike either candidate on the liberal ticket, she has submitted balanced budgets, commanded a national guard unit. And yet she comes under these relentless attacks, would she if she was a part of the liberal media love in; ala Obama or Biden? I think not!
Well let’s talk about Joe Biden, you know the guy who though FDR got on national TV in 1929 and reassured the country that everything was fine during the great depression. The only problem there is FDR wasn’t president and there was no TV in 1929. But more then that; if Obama is elected Biden will be one heartbeat away from the presidency; but isn’t this the same guy (Biden) who has ran for president 3 or 4 times without making it out of the primaries; please. Did he all of the sudden change? Is he suddenly better then now then he has ever been, even this year? Remember he was running for president this year and we deemed unqualified and unelectable.
People, people… please don’t drink the Kool-Aid that is being offered by the liberal media; think for yourself, do some research; be your own person. Don’t let someone else make up your mind, you own your family, friends and community that.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A question for all....

Can someone tell me one thing… ONE thing that Obama has sponsored in his time in the Senate that has passed? I checked and the only thing I can find is recognition of the Chicago White Sox’s winning the World Series. He has been in the Senate since January 2005 and announced his candidacy for President in May of 2007, a little over two years; where is his experience? Heck, I’ll even take something he did in his time in the Illinois senate; there is nothing of substance; except for voting ‘present’ a majority of the time. That is NOT leadership! Where has he truly stuck his neck out? Then there this is Biden; excuse me but how many times has he ran for President, 3, 4; I lost count; and did he ever make it to the convention as the nominee? NO.. Any guesses as to why? Because he is NOT qualified! Contrast this to John McCain; let’s leave his military leadership and POW record out of it for now. His bipartisan leadership as evident in the McCain-Feingold campaign reform act; why do you think it is called the McCAIN-Feingold; he was the leader reaching across party lines to do the right thing. Regardless of your stance on the war; his leadership and pushing for the surge to end this war early and save lives was the right thing to do.
I am tired of the press and the uninformed public thinking that Obama is our savior; even his supporters have said that ‘remember, Jesus was a community organizer and Ponchas Pilot was a governor’, what are they trying to say? If you feel that Palin isn’t qualified to be VP based on her perceived lack of experience; then you HAVE to dismiss Obama lack of experience to be President; no question. Simply put Palin is more qualified to be VP then Obama is to be President.