Sunday, October 5, 2008

What must America do right now for the future....

We as American’s owe it to ourselves and moreover to our children to take the time and learn about candidates. Learn not only what has shaped them as a person; but what has shaped their political views and policies. Learn their character and integrity; learn who they consider as insiders or advisers. A president will not make decisions by themselves, they will turn to their trusted advisers and consul with them, they will pray to God for guidance (I hope…).

America needs to ‘peel the onion’ back and get to the heart of a candidate, and elect the one who no matter WHAT the issue is will have character and integrity to make the best decision for America; not from themselves or a certain demographic, but America as a whole.
America this election has the potential to be the most important one in history, please do the right thing and LEARN.

Don't simply drink the Kool-Aid that is being feed to you by the mainstream media, look for yourself, do your own research. Watch Hannity's America on Fox; and watch it with an open mind. If you take each individual item as a stand alone issue things don't look so bad; but when look at everything as a whole; it shows the true character of Barrack Obama.

I am not willing to risk my children's future on someone that I don't trust; and neither should you.

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